Flower Delivery by Your Local Portsmouth Florist


Stratham NH Same-Day Flower Delivery

Looking for a reputable, dependable and top-quality Stratham florist? Look no further than Flowers by Leslie. We are proud to offer same-day Stratham flower delivery backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. That means your flowers arrive at their destination just as fresh, fragrant and vibrant as when they left our shop. Browse our assortment of flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, corporate events, parties and more online or call us directly to create a custom bouquet of your recipient's favorite blooms. Not sure what to send? Opt for one of our customer-favorite Best Sellers or give us a call for personalized advice today. We can't wait to exceed your expectations!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Portsmouth Location

Address:801 Islington St.
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Phone:(603) 436-0633

ZIP Codes Served